Create new Textmate bundle or snippet using Bundle Editor

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The following doesn’t seem to be in Textmate’s manual, there are no UI buttons to press, and I’ve forgotten how to create or edit Textmate bundles often enough to write this down:

  1. Top menu → Bundles → Edit Bundles
  2. Cmd + N to create new item
  3. Name the item on right sidebar
  4. Cmd + S to save an item
  5. Cmd + Delete to delete a selected item


HTML <img> tag snippet, inserted by typing img and pressing Tab, then pressing Tab again to jump between defined fields:

<img src="${1:URL}" alt="${2:ALT Description}" width="${3:Width. Usually 650.}" class="rounded">

Date and time in UTC/Zulu format for current locale snippet, inserted by typing dz and pressing Tab:

`date +%Y-%m-%d\T%H:%M:%S%z`

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