Dark mode website theme switcher with CSS and JavaScript using localStorage instead of cookies

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A dark mode CSS/JS theme switcher to help reduce eyestrain in different lighting conditions, such as changing colors to light text on a dark background at night.

Try it by clicking on the sun and moon ☼ & ☾ icons.

Your setting preference is saved with web browsers’ localStorage instead of cookies to help avoid needing “Accept Cookies” notes.

Here’s how to add it to your website:

  1. Put data-theme="light" in your <html> tag:
    <html data-theme="light" lang="en">
  2. Set theme colors as variables in your linked stylesheet.css:
    <link rel="stylesheet" 
          type="text/css" />

    Sample CSS code:

    html[data-theme='light'] {  
      --bg: rgba(221,221,221,1);
      --color-link: #1976d2;
      --color-text: #111;
      --code-text: #111;
    html[data-theme='dark'] {
      --bg: rgba(51,51,51,1);
      --color-link: #81d4fa;
      --color-text: #eee;
      --code-text: #fafafa;
    body {
      background-color: var(--bg); 
      color: var(--color-text);
    a {
      color: var(--color-link); 
    code {
      background-color: var(--code-bg); 
      color: var(--code-text);
  3. Add a toggle link to the HTML (see the ☼ & ☾ icons above):
    <a id="switch" title="Toggle website lights.">☼ & ☾</a>
  4. Link to the following theme switcher JavaScript code before the closing </body> tag of the page
    <script src="/js/lights.js"></script> 

    The JavaScript code:

    // localStorage to remember light/dark theme preference 
    // Based on code by Phina Kersly linked in lights.js  
    // Keywords: mdn localstorage
    let theme = localStorage.getItem('data-theme');
    const lightswitch = document.getElementById("switch");
    const changeThemeToDark = () =>{
          ("data-theme", "dark")
        localStorage.setItem("data-theme", "dark")
        console.log("Dark theme set")
    const changeThemeToLight = () =>{
          ("data-theme", "light")
        localStorage.setItem("data-theme", 'light')
        console.log("Light theme set")
    if (theme === 'dark'){
    lightswitch.addEventListener('click', ()=> {
        let theme = localStorage.getItem('data-theme');
        if (theme ==='dark'){
          } else {

See it working by clicking the ☼ & ☾ icons above.

Try refreshing the page after switching to light or dark mode to see that the browser remembers your setting by using localStorage, without needing cookies.

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