Linked List: December 2020

Weekly Highlights 11, 12

A few highlights from the past two weeks of streaming:

Regarding the ongoing Cyber-debacle, I have enjoyed moments of exploration in the game, but feel the release was rushed, and suggest waiting another year before playing it.


Goodbye, Chuck Yeager

An amazing life.

Weekly Highlights 10

Highlights from the past week of streaming:

See you this coming week for a Cyberpunk-themed schedule!


Cyberpunk Launch Stream Next Wednesday

I will be streaming an obscure new video game on 2020 December 9th at 7pm EST. Something about people with fun hair who love technology in a cyber hellscape.

San Manuel ➢ Boneyard at Davis Monthan AFB

Join me on a flight to see a gaggle of airplanes parked on the desert by Tucscon, Arizona in Microsoft Flight Simulator, taking off from E77 at around 2pm EST (19:00 ZULU), destination KDMA!

6-Month Twitch Subscriber Badge Drawing - Star

Tune in at 2pm EST for an Elite: Dangerous stream.