Linked List: September 2024
Sunday, 8 September 2024
- Piano Booster ✶
Software that reads Musical Instrument Digital Interface files and takes input from the MIDI instrument connected to your computer displaying the musical notes as you play. Windows, Mac, Linux versions. Open source.
Saturday, 7 September 2024
- To create for the ages combine art and engineering ✶
As I watched him paint, dad taught me that art was not about being decorative, but was a different way of communicating ideas.
- Feynman The Explainer ✶
In the meantime, we were having a lot of trouble explaining to people what we were doing with cellular automata. Eyes tended to glaze over when we started talking about state transition diagrams and finite state machines. Finally Feynman told us to explain it like this,
“We have noticed in nature that the behavior of a fluid depends very little on the nature of the individual particles in that fluid. For example, the flow of sand is very similar to the flow of water or the flow of a pile of ball bearings. We have therefore taken advantage of this fact to invent a type of imaginary particle that is especially simple for us to simulate. This particle is a perfect ball bearing that can move at a single speed in one of six directions. The flow of these particles on a large enough scale is very similar to the flow of natural fluids.”
Richard made people feel like a child does, when a grown-up first treats him as an adult. He was never afraid of telling the truth, and however foolish your question was, he never made you feel like a fool.
Actually, I doubt that it was “progress” that most interested Richard. He was always searching for patterns, for connections, for a new way of looking at something, but I suspect his motivation was not so much to understand the world as it was to find new ideas to explain. The act of discovery was not complete for him until he had taught it to someone else.
Friday, 6 September 2024
- Is my toddler a stochastic parrot? ✶
Beautiful illustrated story by Angie Wang about so-called artificial intelligence, in The New Yorker.
What we say is not weighted by probability alone but is given its heft and color by our wish to share our lives.
Mere mimicry is not enough. … You’re human, too. You understand love. With that in mind, surely you understand how even the most useless tiny people on this planet are more real than any probabilistic word predictor, and how you must be, too.
Via Aviva Michaelov.
Thursday, 5 September 2024
- Compound interest ✶
Or the wheat and chessboard problem. A little bit goes a long way.