Tim Bray Reviews Thomas Piketty’s Cap­i­tal in the Twenty-First Cen­tu­ry ➶

And the last sen­tence in the book:

“Yet it seems to me that all so­cial sci­en­tist­s, all jour­nal­ists and com­men­ta­tors, all ac­tivists in the unions and in pol­i­tics of what­ev­er stripe, and es­pe­cial­ly all cit­i­zens should take a se­ri­ous in­ter­est in mon­ey, its mea­sure­men­t, the facts sur­round­ing it, and its his­to­ry. Those who have a lot of it nev­er fail to de­fend their in­ter­est­s. Re­fus­ing to deal with num­bers rarely serves the in­ter­ests of the least well-off.”

✶ Monday, 5 May 2014

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