- Education in the New Technological Environment ➶
From Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore’s book, The Medium is the Massage - An Inventory of Effects:
The young today live mythically and in depth. But they encounter instruction in situations organized by means of classified information — subjects are unrelated, they are visually conceived in terms of a blueprint. Many of our institutions suppress all the natural direct experience of youth, who respond with untaught delight to the poetry and the beauty of the new technological environment, the environment of popular culture. It could be their door to all past achievement if studied as an active (and not necessarily benign) force.
The student finds no means of involvement for himself and cannot discover how the educational scheme relates to his mythic world of electronically processed data and experience that his clear and direct responses report.
It is a matter of the greatest urgency that our educational institutions realize that we now have civil war among these environments created by media other than the printed word. The classroom is now in a vital struggle for survival with the immensely persuasive “outside” world created by new informational media. Education must shift from instruction, from imposing of stencils, to discovery—to probing and exploration and to the recognition of the language of forms.
The young today reject goals. They want roles — R-O-L-E-S. That is, total involvement. They do not want fragmented, specialized goals or jobs.
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- Booklets
- Feynman The Explainer
- Awareness of being a collection of traits and behaviors
- The Technium
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