How to Speak ➶

Former MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory director Patrick Henry Wilson’s talk on public speaking.

I particularly liked his point about how people are inspired:

What I found from the incoming freshmen, is that they were inspired by some highschool teacher who told them they could do it.

What I found in the senior faculty, they were inspired by someone who helped them see a problem in a new way.

And what I saw from everyone is that they were inspired when someone exhibited passion about what they were doing.

And his example of a final slide to use listing the speaker’s contributions, with examples of his:

Argued uniqueness of human intelligence.

Demonstrated culturally biased understanding, persuasive retelling, schizophrenic behavior, and self-aware machines.

Offered steps toward a better understanding of ourselves and each other.

See also his Story Understanding lecture, and his fanciful 2050 interview with Sarah Winston, former President of the United States.

✶ Sunday, 30 July 2023

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