Linked List: March 2025

Open source chat alternative to Discord. Glad this exists, and hope they do well.

Ancient color

The use of color in the Ancient Roman World.

The brutality of Monster Hunter Wilds

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell over at Rock Paper Shotgun:

Monster Hunter’s defining dilemma is that sometimes hunting a monster feels, you know, a bit mean. The developers have spun many a yarn via backstory documents about the impact these great predators have on their habitats, and the necessity of curbing their numbers, but no Lion King-esque monologue can offset the suspicion that these large, beautiful animals are essentially minding their own business, and that it’s neither caring nor eco-friendly to endlessly topple and transform them into frilled jackets.

His article explains well my distaste for games where your main objective is to kill wild animals or destroy nature, like the Monster Hunter series, Factorio, and Satisfactory.

We’re destroying our wilderness and biodiversity in reality. Why glorify these acts in fiction?