DCS World resources
A list of resources and trivia for people who like flying clickable whirly and jet birds in Digital Combat Simulator World (DCS), started during a Hypertexthero stream to help myself and anyone else remember where all of these are located in the world wide video game playing internet system.
More will be added as they are found and the list will be re-organized as it develops.
📋 Digital Crew Chief mission generator.
📋 Briefing Room advanced mission generator.
🛬 Landing practice mission with lots of data that I hope one day becomes the basis for a Twitch integrated landing guesstimator.
🪡🪡 Multithreading: If you are running the multi-threaded version of DCS Open Beta, be advised that you need to run the updater at DRIVE_LETTER:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe
as running the multi-threaded bin file directly at DRIVE_LETTER:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin-mt\DCS.exe
will not launch the updater. There are also instructions for Steam users in the above link.
📒 Chuck’s rather good guides for DCS’ various aerocrafts. Chuck is on Patreon, too. Via Exarch_NZ.
🪪 Trial licenses that let you fly almost any aeroflyer in the sim for one month, every six months, for free, as long as you are using the Open Beta version of the sim.
🧭 Tacview, the universal flight analysis tool. Thanks for reminding me, M0rt75.
🎨 Texture | skin | livery | paint templates to customize the look of your chosen digital air glider. Also check out VoiceAttack profiles, with particularly good ones apparently by a user named “Bailey” (thanks M0rt75).
🎨 Texture | skin | livery | paint guide by Santiago “Cubeboy” Cuberos.
☃️ Enigma’s Dynamic Cold War Campaign Server for online PvP/PvE play.
📋 DCS Liberation Dynamic Campaign, to help bring more rogue-like random goodness to the simulated aero-land-sea animated struggle.
🛵 A-4E Community Skyhawk free open source little jet plane, the “Scooter”!
🔖 Hoggit Reddit for DCS news, memes, and commentary. See also their wiki and Discord channel, where you can find the password for joining their training server.
📻 Simple Radio Standalone (SRS) for a realistic simulation of radios in DCS.
🤳 The free and open source OpenTrack head or face tracker for looking around your digital flying crafts. Via Exarch_NZ.
🎛 Cockpit mods, including English cockpits for SU-27 and SU-25. Via Talkittynora.
📺 Laobi’s YouTube channel for irreverent, light-hearted DCS tutorials. Via M0rt75.
📺 RedKite and TacticalPascale channels for detailed tutorials. Via Exarch_NZ.
DCS Trivia
If I remember correctly, the term “pickle” comes from the bomb release on the B17, called the Norden bombsight. The sight on the B17 was very advanced and it was said they could drop a bomb into a pickle barrel from 30,000 ft. Hence, pickle button. (Look up Norden Bombsite)
Before joining in the server, you can see which aircrafts available for use in the middle-bottom of the window of the server selection.
DCS currently does not support skip bombing, while both IL-2 Sturmovik and War Thunder do.
If you have another DCS resource you want to share come by and tell me in stream chat or send me an email.
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Possibly Related:
- Free Flight of DCS Digital Airplanes
- KitHack Model Club
- HyperTextHero flies around the world
- Simulator keybinding locations
- Airplanes
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